
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Hanging With Anderson Cooper Tonight...

I'll be at Radio City Music Hall tonight for their "Speakers Series". If you recall, I WON two free tickets from Joe.My.God.

Anderson Cooper will be interviewing D.L. Hughley, Ariana Huffington, and homophobic asshat Mike Huckabee. I hope Andy dresses casually - he looks great in jeans and a Polo shirt...

I'll give you a little recap tomorrow.

I KNEW Speedle Was a Good Guy!

In my DVR-less world, I've had to choose between Heroes and 24 this season (they both air on Monday's at 9:00 PM) - and I've chosen to watch 24. Heroes has lost its magic for me - and I can never get enough of Jack Bauer kicking ASS.

I was so thrilled to find out that Carlos Bernard (below) was back on 24 this season, playing Tony Almeida. At first it seemed that Tony was working for the terrorists - but Tony Almeida could never be a bad guy, and we soon saw his true (good guy) colors.

I was also happy to see former CSI: Miami actor Rory Cochrane (below) this season on 24 - although he too was initially playing on Team Terror. I loved Cochrane when he played Tim Speedle on CSI: Miami - he was snarky, unkempt, and a little nerdy - but somehow it worked. I cried my eyes out when "Speed" died.

So I was extra-super-duper excited to see Rory's character embrace the good guys and team up with Almeida on 24 last night. Tim Speedle would never let me down...

UPDATE: I didn't get to see the ending of the show last night, and now I'm hearing that Cochrane's character is still a bad guy! Is this true?? Damn that 24, with its' plot twists!!

For Those Experiencing "RuPaul Withdrawal"...

Dust Bunny Cris has been reporting on the making of RuPaul's latest video - Tranny Chaser. Last week Cris sent me the link to a video on the World of Wonder website with "behind the scenes" footage from the shoot.

Click HERE to watch the video. And PLEASE watch all the way to the end when RuPaul truly becomes a "Tranny Chaser"...

Thanks to Cris for the link and the updates.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Top Chef's Jamie Lauren in NYC

Check out THIS great segment from OurSceneTV featuring Top Chef's Jamie Lauren. Jamie stops by three of her favorite eateries in NYC and samples the cuisine. OMG - the burgers from Shake Shack look DELISH!

Monday Weigh-In

Last week I promised you a Monday weigh-in, so here it is...

Exactly one week ago, I tipped the scales at a new record for me. The 25 lbs I had lost last year had been regained – plus a few.

Instead of getting discouraged (like I usually do), I actually took steps to reverse my gaining trend. I started logging my points again at, and I walked home from work twice last week (2 ½ miles).

And on Saturday I did something that had helped me lose 90 pounds a few years ago … I danced.

Yep, you heard me right – I danced. By myself. In my apartment. Alone. I put on one of the Dance channels on AOL Radio, and boogie oogie oogied ‘til I just couldn’t boogie no more. And I forgot how much fun it was.

Bitches – I could sell tickets to that show. You should see me getting my groove on. And it is really good exercise. An hour of walking earns 3 Weight Watchers activity points (basically, 3 extra points you can use to eat later) – but an hour of dancing earns 8 points. And I really do work up a sweat.

And heaven help me if I hear one of the old songs I danced to when I first hit the clubs here in NYC. Like Murk’s “Some Lovin”…

Or The Fog’s “Been A Long Time”…

I’m wiggling here at my desk just thinking about it.

Anywhore, it wasn’t ALL sunshine and light this past week. I keep ordering Chinese delivery when I should be having Lean Cuisine. But at least I got my dumplings steamed (instead of fried) over the weekend. I obviously still have room for improvement.

But, as of today, I have lost 6 pounds from when I started this whole journey last year. Yes, I know at one point I was down 25 lbs, but at least it’s a start. And at least I'm not HEAVIER than I was when I started. I’ll check back in next week and let you know how it’s going.

My Drag Queen Hero...

Drag Queens are extremely charitable individuals - raising money and awareness for many different causes. Please check out THIS post, and help one of my favorite drag queens in her efforts toward my favorite charity.

White Meat Monday - DoucheBag Ninja!

Based on the interior decoration, it looks like he's practicing his douchy ninja moves at Grandma's house.

Welcome to White Meat Monday...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New York City Fire Escapes

This great picture, from the excellent photoblog Greenwich Village Daily Photo, captures a colorful block of tenement buildings here in NYC. From the looks of it, I would guess it was taken on Macdougal Street in the Village near N.Y.U. One of the buildings says "Macdougal" at the very top - but that could have been a company or family name.

The block I live on consists entirely of similar tenement (or "walk-ups", as we call them) buildings - but my block isn't nearly as colorful. Check out Greenwich Village Daily Photo HERE.

Madonna Ditches Baby Jesus for Baby Mercy?

Yesterday I featured Alex Rodriguez, one of Madonna's former conquests - and today I am featuring another (former?) Madge Boy-Toy - "Baby Jesus" Luz. Ever since March 10 when he flew back into the Rio airport (above), Luz has been enjoying himself in his home country. But he has done so WITHOUT the Material Girl, who's actually old enough to be his Material Mom.

Made In Brazil (which is one of my favorite blogs) has been following Jesus' every move. Below is the Baby Jesus attending a costume party. Apparently Jesus (center), dressed up as a "Hot Model Who Boinks Rich Cougars". He really pulls it off...

I love his friend on the right (above) giving us the "Peace, Bitch" symbol!

The Baby Jesus busts a move (below) at the party...

Is he grabbing the ass of that "Naughty Maid" (below)? That Ho better be careful because Madonna with certainly cut a bitch...

Jesus has also been spotted at various restaurants & cafe's...

And just the other day, Made In Brazil published these pics (below) from the Baby Jesus' trip to Rio's Ipanema beach...

But so far NO meetings with Madonna. Check out Made In Brazil HERE for all things Jesus Luz-related.

Some people suggest Madonna hasn't been hanging out with Baby Jesus is because she's trying to buy adopt another (real) baby named "Mercy". Read that story HERE.