
Monday, November 30, 2009

Wrapping Up White Meat Monday - Chuck Norris

Yes, I know he's a right-wing ignoramus - but I LOVE Chuck Norrisisms.

White Meat Monday - The Meat Locker

If there's anything in the Meat Locker you'd like thawed out for dinner, let me know...

I Fell In Love ...

... with this little baby in Pennsylvania. Like I mentioned before, my Dad is caring for a male and a female kitten which were abandoned by their mother - Dad literally nursed them by hand until they were big enough to eat on their own. The little girl is TOO CUTE - that is her in the pic above, snuggling in my arms. When she and her brother are done playing, she likes to jump up on your lap and get petted - which makes her purr and purr and purr.

Remember, these two cuties are available for adoption. If you can get to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, one or both of them is yours. Send me an email: for more information.

Athletic White Meat - Grady Size(?)more

By now many of you have seen the I-phone PICTURES of Cleveland Indians center fielder Grady Sizemore. These were sent to his ex-girlfriend, and instead of hitting "delete" she hit "send" and now the world is a much brighter place.

My only problem with the pictures is this: Where are the PEENSTRAVAGANZA shots? I mean, for goodness sakes, his name is SIZEMORE!!! I want to know if that last name is truth-telling or if it's all just a pack of lies.

Dirty Inquiring minds want to know...

Father/Son Taking On Homophobia In Hockey

Brian Burke is the General Manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs and the U.S. Olympic hockey team. His son, Brendan Burke, is a player/manager for the #1 ranked Miami University (OH) hockey team. Brendon happens to be gay, and recently came out publicly in an ESPN article (although he was already out to his friends, family, and teammates). And it turns out Brendan's father couldn't have been prouder of his son's courage...

"I had a million good reasons to love and admire Brendan. This news didn't alter any of them. I would prefer Brendan hadn't decided to discuss this issue in this very public manner. There will be a great deal of reaction, and I fear a large portion will be negative. But this takes guts, and I admire Brendan greatly, and happily march arm in arm with him on this.

There are gay men in professional hockey. We would be fools to think otherwise. And it's sad that they feel the need to conceal this. I understand why they do so, however. Can a gay man advance in professional hockey? He can if he works for the Toronto Maple Leafs! Or for Miami University Hockey. God bless Rico Blasi! And I am certain these two organizations are not alone here.

I wish this burden would fall on someone else's shoulders, not Brendan's. Pioneers are often misunderstood and mistrusted. But since he wishes to blaze this trail, I stand beside him with an axe! I simply could not be more proud of Brendan than I am, and I love him as much as I admire him." -- Brian Burke
Check out a follow-up interview the Burke's did on TSN - the Canadian version of ESPN...

Hat-tip to Towleroad (posts HERE and HERE) for talking about this.

My Dad Has TWO Basement Cats!

Anyone who is a fan of I Can Has Cheezburger (like me) knows about Ceiling Cat and Basement Cat. Ceiling Cat is white and represents everything good (God), and Basement Cat is black and represents evil (Satan).

As I've mentioned before, both of Dusty's brothers live at my Dad's house. And they both just happen to be completely black ... and live exclusively in the basement...

They're really sweet kitties ... but I definitely watch my back when I'm downstairs doing laundry or watching TV. Speaking of TV - one of them is a BIG fan of the Wanda Sykes Show...

Considering the horrible reviews Wanda has gotten for her new show, this COULD be a sign of demonic possession.

White Meat Monday - Tomas AKA Rocky AKA Tanek

I prefer the first and last pictures, when he's got some bulk on him and he's not completely cut up. Plus, the fuzz on his chest looks cute on him.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Enrique Iglesias Likes "Sad Eyes"

If I knew Enrique Iglesias was really looking for sad Hos, I would pluck out my nose hairs one-by-one just so I always had tears in my eyes. Because you never know when he might want you to take a ride on that pole.

Watch this previously-banned video for "Sad Eyes" to find out what I mean. HOT.

Thanksgiving - Part II

Round two of Thanksgiving happened yesterday at Casa de Mama Bunny - complete with family, turkey, and all the trimmings (above). It was a lovely day.

And here are a couple of Thanksgiving celebrations from the BunnyNation. First of all, we have Mark In DE - who celebrated with his Spouse's and his Spouse's family (below)...

And AlnHouston, who said it was a lovely day on the Gulf Coast. It must have been, because they were able to eat outside!!...

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. I know most of you go back to work tomorrow, but I have one more day in Pennsylvania before heading back to work in NYC on Tuesday. That should give me enough time to get to Arby's and load up on the Five Roast Beef Sandwiches for $5.00 deal - which the local Arby's is currently doing. Mmmmmmmmmm....

BeBe Zahara Benet - "I'm The S**T"

The winner of the first season of RuPaul's Drag Race - BeBe Zahara Benet - has come out with a fierce new song/video. Check it out (above).

And don't forget, Season 2 of our favorite drag competition reality show begins soon. Check out Logo's official SEASON 2 WEBSITE for details on all the dragtestants. Which one of these little darlings will have the Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent to become a drag superstar like BeBe?...

We shall soon see.

Caption This...

You guys always crack me up when I do a "Caption This" post. Take a crack at this one.

Hottie of the Day - Lemuel

According to my source (thanks WF!), Lemuel is an openly gay Cuban-American living in Miami.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

TMZ Report: Tiger's Injuries Caused By Angry WIFE

The truth-tellers at TMZ are saying that Tiger Woods wife, Elin Nordegren (above) was the cause of his recent injuries, not the wrecked SUV. Tiger reportedly told someone what actually happened, and TMZ reported it...

We're told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We're told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV -- but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

We're told Woods became "distracted," thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree.

Recently there have been reports that Tiger was cheating on his wife with Rachel Uchitel - the same Ho who was supposedly bumping pretties with David Boreanaz (below). If this is true, Rachel has earned her Big Ho Platinum Card and a 15% discount at Frederick's of Hollywood.

House of Xtravaganza Has a Ball

I have mentioned many times how obsessed I am with Paris Is Burning - and the vogueing ballroom community the movie showcased. And one of the most important vogue "houses" from Paris is Burning was the House of Xtravaganza.

Many of the old houses featured in the documentary have died out (like so many members of the ballroom community) - but the Xtravaganza's remain strong. In fact, they held their first ball in five years this month at NYC's Irving Plaza nightclub: Moda - La Envidia Xtravaganza Ball.

Please check out these fantastic pictures taken at the ball from (HERE and HERE) ... and then watch this video which is narrated by the hysterical Mike Diamond.

And in case you're thinking that only kids from Harlem, Brooklyn and the Bronx go to these balls, look at who was in attendance - watching the legendary children doing their thing ...

That's right biatches ... THE DUCHESS, Michael Kors!