
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Shout Outs

I would like to give shout-outs to all my friends who've taken a look at this blog thingy so far: Vera, Michael, Dana, Shanta, Isabel, Skarey, Nance, Budge...and yes...TONI!!!!

Remember y'all - you CAN make comments every once in a while. It is simple, easy, and free to set up a Google account - OR, you can make an anonymous comment and identify yourself in the text of the comment. Talk to me bitches!!!

Some of you have asked how I came up with the name "David Dust". When I decided to start a blog I had NO idea what to call it - so I literally googled "how to name a blog". After further investigation I came across a "Band Name Generator" - yes, something to help you, your bass player, and your drummer name your band - so you can stop practicing in the basement and actually start playing in public.

All that was required was for you to enter a "key word" - and the only thing I could think of was "David"........and a list popped up. On that list was "David Dust" - which sounded delightfully like "fairy dust" - and "David Dust" became the name of my blog.


  1. I thought the "dust" was fallout from your thoughts. Like George Carlin's Brain Droppings.

    Remember that stripper guy from the old roof party. Also remember the 30th b-day at Stella's. Geez! Are we that old? What did you do for the big 4-0? Mine is coming up..... Skare

  2. 4-0????? I have NO earthly idea what you're talking about!

  3. BTW, "" was alreay taken.
