
Saturday, January 26, 2008

If You Live In South Carolina - VOTE TODAY!


  1. maybe I should just keep my mouth shut here, but I just. cannot. vote. for. her!!!! I don't like her...she is so phoney!!!

    and you know the saying...once you go Black, you never go back! So,

    GO OBAMA!!!!

  2. Darling Beth - you can say ANYTHING you damn well please here at David Dust. After all you are my bestest blogger girlfriend!

    If Obama is the nominee - I will ABSOLUTELY vote for him. But I LOVE me some Clintons.

  3. I love me some Bill Clinton...he rocks, but Hilary....meh...not so much. she seems like such a cold fish to me, and what in the world does that freak Bill see in her? ;)
