
Friday, February 22, 2008

It's "Sew Not Over" Bitches!

Twelve of the fifteen Project Runway designers return to compete for $10,000 - and YOU get to be the judges! Check out the looks, and vote for your favorite at

Who did you vote for?


  1. It was nice to see Ramilicious do something beside draping! I had a hard time choosing between Kit, Steven, the serial killer and Kevin. I did wind up voting for Kevin, because those are the clothes I would wear if I were thin...and ten years younger...and not the mother of three children.

  2. Jennie, Steven DOES remind me of a serial killer!!! HA!!

    Belive it or not....I really liked Marion's collection. His last dress with the I wish I had somewhere to wear something like that. Do you think I could pull it off at my kid's basketball game? ;)

    I liked Ricky's flirty little dress that went last too.

    Carmen? WTF?????? A ninja??!11 I just don't get it? she is weird....maybe it's just cuz I do. not. like. her! And she DOES look like she's from Klymaxx!!! I meant to tell you that the other day. she is so caught in the 80's..

    Love you David!!

  3. Believe it or not, I voted for Ramilicious! And I also liked Chris' 3 looks - but Chris could trot out 3 girls in burlap sacks and I'd like it.

    Beth - Ricky's 3 looks weren't bad - but seriously, the hats?!? OMG - I HATED that he put his "signature" hats on those models. We get it Ricky - you're ALL ABOUT the friggin hats!!!!

    Absolute fucking worst thing I've ever seen in my life: Carmen. No wonder no one missed that bitch when she left. Female Japanese warrior wear?!? I'm sure Barney's, Saks, and Bergdorfs are placing orders AS WE SPEAK. Keep hittin that crack pipe girl!

  4. By the way - if ANYONE is a serial killer, it's creepy Marion.

  5. I think you've got a little crush on chris!! But then, who doesn't? I watched the reunion show AGAIN, and I swear Rami is loving him some Chris!!! And Chris played it so cool.....

    ya, Marion is the serial killer typw...creepy love child of David Gest!!!

  6. All I know is I wouldn't want to sleep in a room with Steven OR Marion. Creepy, squared.

  7. I thought Christian's looks were great. He really has a point of view and I can respect that. Go Mango.

    I was surprised to like Kevin's collection. Another strong POV.

    And maybe becuse I'm sick with the flu, but I totally got Elisa's whole concept. I even understood what she was saying. Think I was abducted by aliens in my sleep?

    Ricky and the Hats. sigh. He's a little nutty. Good for him poking fun at himself though. At least I hope he was. Eek those hats are awful.

  8. Kwana has been upducted by ALIENS!!! Come back to us girl!!!

    Either that, or you are having some funky flu hallucinations. When you start to "get" Elisa, that's when you should be very, very worried.

  9. Ok. I'll try and come back to Earth. I'm sure it's just the Nyquil talking!
