
Friday, February 8, 2008

The Secret Is Out

Victoria Beckham (AKA "Posh Spice" and Mrs. David Beckham) will be the "secret" celebrity judge for the Project Runway Bryant Park shows.

I am not much of a fan of Posh, but my girlfriend Maddie (AKA "Mistress Maddie") is - she'll be thrilled.

UPDATE: According to sources, ALL 5 remaining designers showed in the Bryant Park tents today. Yes kids - Mango, Mumbles/Jillian, Big Chris, Rami, and even Sweet P! I CANNOT WAIT to see what kind of clusterfuckery The P walked down that runway!!!!!!


  1. WTF???!!!! All 5?!!! What? I am flabbergasted! But you know Mango rocked the tents!!!

    I hate Posh....:/

  2. Your right on! I think Posh is one of the closest stars to an old hollywood icon when it comes to fashion.I still would take her out with a brick though to get to the yummy hubby of hers!!

  3. I was watching E last night & they did little clips of Bryant Part shows, kind of a who's who. Anyway, they showed Posh at the PR show, so I figured she would be the celebrity judge. They also flashed pics of Jillian, Rami & Christian. I didn't see Chris & Sweet P. Do you think they will really let all 5 show?? I really don't want to know who shows until the show reveals it. I like the surprise.

  4. Snappy - I have heard that ONLY 3 of the collections will be shown during the finale. The other 2 were "decoys".

    Snappy -

    I am the same way - I totally want to be surprised. In fact, I only VERY briefly looked at pics of the 5 collections online, because I want to wait and see what happens.

    Based on the pics I saw, various blog commentary, and my fantastic anylitical skills :) , I have an idea of who won, but I'm going to keep it to myself for now....

  5. Don't even tell me who the 3 are. I usually don't end up liking the winners show also. Last year I LOVED Laura & she didn't win. The one they pick is usually a little bit more out there for me on their designs. I guess we will have to wait and see.
