
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Subway Kitty Rescued!

This 7-month-old kitten named Georgia escaped her cat carrier and bolted into a subway tunnel over 3 weeks ago. Over the weekend (more precisely, on "Caturday"), Miss Georgia was found - she was dehydrated, and had a fractured leg, but otherwise she was ok.

Call me cheesy, but I am a total sucker for a cute kitty story with a happy ending. Read the full story here.


  1. You asked for it - you are cheesy.

  2. I thought you didn't like pussy? Now you've got me all confused! ;)

  3. I was wondering who would be the first to post a "pussy" comment. I can ALWAYS count on my darling Beth... :)

  4. What a cutey face with soulfully witchy eyes.

    I get all weepy if I channelsurf and land on one of the animal cop/vet shows on Animal Planet. My three kits HATE when I do that! "Momma's all upset, why for, we're fat sassy and well-teken care of!" Yes, but there are so many fourlegged kids out there that aren't and I just get all emotional.

    Thank goodness for happy endings!
