
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Chris March Design

As we all know, Chris went home on last week's episode of Project Runway (which made everyone sad). If anyone needs a Chris fix, check out his crazy-ass website here.

And remember, the Project Runway Season Finale is on tomorrow night at 10pm!!! I have to work late at the restaurant (I booked a party that must be overseen) - so it's going to be interesting to see if I can get my ass home in time to watch and take notes for my FINAL recap!

Don't worry Dust Bunnies - I'll make it happen. I know you are counting on me (all 6 of you!).


  1. Girl, I cannot make it through PR without you! Get your skinny ass home and forget about work!!

  2. God bless you my dear, but my ass hasn't been skinny in QUITE a while.

    In fact, I was SO distraught about Arby's closing, that I drowned my sorrows with McDonalds....

  3. If I lose my job can I come live with you (and make $15/wk. like your kids)!?!

  4. you can ALWAYS come live with me!

  5. Beth - I know I can always count on you!

  6. Hm make that all 7 of us :)))

  7. hola dd- i met chris march last monday as i was leaving volunteering... he was a sweetie, but t-o-t-e-s taken aback that i was talking to him on the street. i kinda gushed for a minute, got him to sign a red folder for my roommate, and then told him a joke, and got his famous laugh. one thing: to me, in the show, he looks really tall, but he was probably 5'10". chew on that, arbys lovers..

  8. Hola Papa!

    Mmmmmmmm....did someone mention Arby's???!!??? I'll take a Super Roast Beef - no tomato...add Swiss cheese. Oh that's right, my shit is CLOSED!!!

    That's funny, I never pictured Chris as tall. He probably just seemed that way to you because he was always beside that little Midget Mango!!

  9. Don't mention it David, it is my pleasure to read your recaps :)

    You lucky dog or ahem parrot, meeting Chris March, that man seems absolutely adorable... I actually thought of sending him an e-mail just to tell him he has a lot of fans here in Europe as well, you know other then Cavalli... :)

    Anyhow people, have a nice weekend, I'm off to England for a few days but I do hope David there will be a recap waiting when I come back :)

  10. Can you please recap the reunion and the final shows of Project Runway? I don't get bravo and those other blogs are boring. I get it...Mango won...but what happened? Recap!!
    Love, your public.

  11. Dear Jamie - I recapped the reunion last week, and I'm working on the finale as we speak. Patience my dear, perfection takes time!
