
Monday, March 3, 2008

Daddy Of The Day - Prince Harry

His Royal Highness, Prince Henry of Wales ("Prince Harry"), is not the type of guy I'm normally attracted to. He's too young (23), too skinny, and has red hair. But after seeing these pictures of him fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, I have changed my mind. Holy Moses! He could invade my border ANY day.

But here is my all-time favorite Prince Harry picture - and he's NOT in a uniform. Talk about White Meat Monday...


  1. Wow - the camera does not lie.

    He's pretty remarkable. Are any of our NeoCon Chicken Hawks or their children serving in the US armed forces they started? No.

    Did Harry have to return to Britain because Closet Case Ratfucker Matt Drudge reported on the whereabouts of his deployment? Yes.

  2. HOLY COW!!! That cannot be real!!! He has to have something else in his pants! a flashlight maybe, so he can find his way in the darK?

  3. Doh - it's Monday!

    That should be:
    "Are any of our NeoCon ChickenHawks or their children serving in the US armed forces, fighting the war they so enthusiastically support(ed)? No."

  4. Beth -

    He calls it "The Royal Sceptre"

  5. And Marker -

    Yes, you are correct. AssHat Closety McCloset (AKA Matt Sludge) was the one that "outed" our dear Prince. If it had been a "liberal" who had done that, he/she would have been labeled a terrorist. But it's ok for Drudge...

  6. Prince very2 handsome.n i like n happy look images Prince.n i like look Prince mr'happy,it's very big.hehehe.........sorry Mr.just kidding.(^^.)

  7. Richie -

