
Thursday, March 6, 2008

DavidDust Fashion Show - Runway Hotties


  1. mmm, that first one is JUST fuzzy enough!!

    garter belt? um...

  2. I KNEW you would go and dis my Boo in the garter belt. Don't hate :)

    Tranny....back at ya!!!

  3. Look at #1's pecs!!! Of course that's not ALL I'm looking at, but damn - Look at those pecs!!

    And I'm with Beth on the garter belt. More for you, DDust. :)

    I'm going to go look at #1's pecs now.

  4. ewww@third picture..

    and where did you get the 5th picture from or can you tell what runway show it was? that's punk of "i love new york 2" in case you don't know ;o)

  5. YM - I refuse to watch I Love NY - even I can't stoop that low - but the men are totally right up my alley. Thanks for the heads up.

    And Dearest Marker - as I said to my girl Beth - don't hate on my Boo! :)

  6. I'm glad your mother pointed out who that was in #5; I thought he looked familiar.

    I didn't realize Punk had all that going on (I watched enough to realize I had other things to waste my brain cells on).

    What an impressive display ;-)

  7. I'm so glad its 'fashionable' now for male models to have body hair on the runway. I am so over these waxed and Naired models who look like Ken dolls.

    Mark :-)

  8. ok, Marker needs to get on his J.O.B. and get a blog!!!

  9. Beth - Marker is NOT ALLOWED to get a blog - he has to spend his time reading and commenting on mine!
