
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day, my darling Dust Bunnies! I will be posting a little bit later in the day today - due to a ton of job-related stuff that MUST get done. Gotta pay them bills, biatches!! I will post some deliciousness for you all in a few hours.

Love you! Love your hair!!

And don't forget...Top Chef is tonight.


  1. Love you Tranny! and love your hair too!!!

    nice buns

  2. Jesus!! What a ass!It's like a all you can eat at the waffle house.Happy Hump Day all!

  3. David, I do believe you have found the most perfect ass I have ever seen!The onlY thing better would be to see it in 3-D!!!Yum!!
