
Monday, March 24, 2008

Like Father, Like Son...

Floyd Bebee and his son Justin were both arrested on separate dates in Florida during the course of one year. As you can see, they are both fond of fun, whimsical, and occasionally White Supremacist tattoos.

In addition to the "Git-R-Dun" tattoo on his forehead, Floyd has "Got-R-Did" inked onto the BACK of his head.

And along with "Psycho" tattooed onto his forehead, Justin has the words "fuck" and "you" tattooed onto his eyelids. See the story from The Smoking Gun here.



  1. Yeah, and not even RITZ crackers...these are some straight-up dry saltine bitches!

  2. That is exactly the type of people I hope my kids NEVER come into contact with. Not very realistic, I know, but still....I wouldn't want to have to cut someone!!! Don't mess with Mama Bear!!

    crackers indeed, ChooChoo!!

  3. Trannybeth - I LOVE that we're calling Marker "ChooChoo" makes me giggle EVERY time.

  4. Damn, I may have to change my name. At least my tattoo is on my ass and hidden from view, oh wait his is on his ass too.

  5. If that kid has "Mom" on the back of his, HEAD - you ARE going to have to change your name.

    Regardless my darling, YOU are a high-class Ritz cracker - topped with fancy cheese and garnished with fresh chives. FEROSH!

  6. Oh damn, it's really too bad I'm already married. So, so sexy. I wonder if Mr. Clairol would get the Git-R-Done tattooed on his forhead...

  7. Wow! and I thought spiderwebs on elbows were special! But this!!!

  8. Yeah Jennie - all the good ones are taken (or in prison). Or both.

    And thanks for the comment Aunt D..., I mean "Trilllion"! Welcome!! :)

  9. Dear god... the epitome of white trash! These guys make me ashamed to be white.

    Mark :-)

  10. These guys make me ashamed to be HUMAN.
