
Monday, March 24, 2008

Macy*s Flower Show

Every spring, Macy*s holds it’s annual Flower Show, where they pack the main floor of the flagship Herald Square store with tons of beautiful and fragrant flowers and plants.

The Flower Show is one of those NYC things that I try not to miss every year. I think I became attached to it during my very first few months living in New York when I WORKED at Macy*s. The flower show was the only time Macy*s management would crank up the air conditioners (so the flowers would last) – and I wasn’t my usual hot sweaty mess. During the Flower Show I was always fierce, flawless, and sweat-free – it was HEAVEN. True bliss, for ME anyway, can be achieved through active air conditioning.

So last week I wandered over to Herald Square (it's near my fave dollar store) and actually took some pictures with my new digital camera (thanks Mom!). The first and last pictures are not mine (I took similar ones, but these two that I found on someone else’s blog were better). Enjoy!


  1. WOW!!!! those flowers are FIERCE!!!! Did you take the other pictures yourself? if so, good job!

    and please, girlfriend, you could NEVER ne anything BUT FIERCE AND FABULOUS!!! You sweaty? I don't think so....unless, of course, you got one of those beach guys in your house!!

    love you tranny!


  2. Trannybeth -

    Yep - the middle 4 pics I took by my very own self!

    Oh goodness - you don't even want to SEE me in the summertime. I am a ferosh sweatball!!

  3. Those pictures are beatuiful!!Brings back the memories of your early days does it girl?Are you sure it wasn't the cocktails coming out of you the next day from the night before that you were that hot?You and me have finally moved into the new century,I to bought a digtal camera and love it.Scary- isn't

  4. Maddie...a digital camera???!!??? Oh my God girl, hell IS going to freeze over now BOTH of us has moved out of our Polaroid phase...

    And yes, Bacardi Limon hangovers CAN make a Retail Queen sweat at work...

  5. Why is it not surprising Michael Kors has flowers growing out of his column?

  6. Howard - I was waiting to see if anyone would mention the "Michael Kors" pic. I can always count on you dear.

  7. Well, my dear David, I tried to stay away from details about pansies growing out of MK's ass. That would be fierce!

  8. Now we know your secret: lots and lots of air conditioning keeps you from becoming a HOT TRANNY MESS!!!

    Mark :-)

  9. That sounds like a challenge on Project Runway next season - design something for Michael Kors' ass!

    Diaper pants maybe...?

  10. Mark - absolutely. It is NOT pretty when I get overheated!

  11. Hmm, looks more like flowers at the base of Michael Kors' shaft to me. Just saying.
