
Friday, March 28, 2008

My Hometown...


  1. Awww, how sweet. Well, your hometown is bigger and more sophisticated than mine! However, I believe I have driven through Carlisle on occasion, back when I went to college in Reading and was visiting friends at Penn State!

  2. Howard - a couple of things:

    1) Hotchie Dogs from the Hamilton are the BEST.THING.EVER.

    2) I don't know WHO that kid in the video is, but I probably went to school with his Mom or Dad. At first I wanted to say I went to school with his older brother or sister, but who in the HELL am I kidding!?!

    3) At one point we lived 1 1/2 blocks from the Carlisle Fairgrounds - the place where the have the HUGE car shows. When I was a kid, I used to sneak into the fairgrounds and collect TONS aluminum soda and beer cans. Then Mom or Dad would drive me to the recylcling place and I'd collect my $$$$$. Always looking to make a (not so) quick buck!

    4) You have EXCELLENT taste in friends - I graduated from Penn State. Go Nittany Lions!



  3. You didn't frequent Dickson College campas much did you girl? And as close as I lived to Carlisle,can you believe I never had a hotchie dog!

  4. Maddie - Bitch, the next time we are both home, we are GOING for HOTCHIES!!!

    No, I never hung around at Dickinson (except to use the library - I'm such a nerd) - even though it was practically in my backyard at one point.

  5. Your on for hotchies!

  6. Tranny, You were NEVER a nerd!! But your hometown is pretty and really nice...lots nicer than my redneck town....I need to do this so you can see the crappy place I call home.

    and we have a place called The Hot Dog Shoppe that has some of the best hotdogs too!!! and it's cheap! Love that.

  7. YOu are soo bad!!! But I love a good "hot dog" too!
