
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Adventures In Facial Hair

I’ve decided to grow a goatee. Yes, for the first time in my entire life, I am attempting facial hair. And no, the picture above is not me.

I guess I figured I might as well go ahead and embrace my inner “bear”. I’m already big as a house (a very LARGE house), so I figured I might as well grow the goatee and make it official. Bears are very “in” these days. I just hope the Papis aren’t afraid of us. Note to the Papis: Please Feed The Bears! :)

The only problem is, I have absolutely NO idea how to grow anything on my face. I am 40 years old, and the only mustache I’ve ever had was of the “Kool Aid” variety. I have very light hair (reddish-blond), so the growth so far is not very noticeable. Furthermore, it seems that my stubble is either DARK red, or…GASP…completely WHITE (gray)!

This ought to be interesting…


  1. About 6 months ago, I shave my facial hair off. After shaving more people said that I looked younger and I'm 37.

  2. Oh honey, I am feeling you! I am a blond with a light beard. Light in color, and light in density. I'm 44 and have never had a beard or goatee until now. I decided a little over a month ago to grow a mustache/goatee combo. From 20 feet away you can't even see it. Up close you can.

    Good luck!!!

    Mark :-)

  3. I have worked the "young" thing entirely too long. Thanks to some youthful genes from Mama and Papa Bunny, I always looked younger than I really was. You should have seen me when I was in my early 20's - I was such a little Twinkie and I looked about 17!!!!

    But I figure now that I'm 40, what's the difference if I look a couple years younger? Might as well give the facial hair thing a shot.

  4. oooh, I love a goatee....just something about it. I don't know what it is....but I love it! Pictures please!!! You know we want to see what you look like!

    are you SURE that's not you in that pic?...cuz he sure has some pretty lips....

  5. and I bet you any money you are NOT as big as a house!

  6. My Darling TrannyBeth - I LOVE the fact that you refuse to believe that I'm a fat cow...but when I say "big as a house", I MEAN "big as a house.

    Like, Big & Tall Store to buy my clothes 'big as a house'!!!

    And trust me, it will be a cold day in HELL before I post a picture of myself - until I lose weight, of course.

  7. Just don't grow one of those non-committal beards that look like stubble that went on too long but stopped short of becoming a beard. I've been a beard. (sorry couldn't resist)

    Love ya! xoxoxoxo

  8. You're always gorgeous to TrannyBeth and me. You could email us photos, couldn't he, TBeth?

    Do you sort of look like my wonderful Chris from PR? If so, not to worry because he's adorable! I love him but not as much as I love you! You're alway adorable.

    Mwah! xxoxoxo

  9. Joy - Picture a much blonder Chris with MUCH less facial hair, and your getting close...

    My gals are so fabulous...!

    And Joy, it's a shame I don't need a "beard" anymore, but I know who I could turn to :)

  10. Oh you know you could, Darling Adorable David!

    Mwah!! XOXOXOXXO

  11. OMG,my big sister has grown up!!!First of all,your not that big and second,I think a goatee would suit you fine.Grown around the mouth to the bottom of the chin.All you have to do is keep it neatly trimmed every two days or so.Brace yourself girl, but your little sister is working stubble on the face and neck!!And trust me and myself,I have gotten very good feedback from the hubby AND te boys!!Althought Maddie hates it!

  12. I'm jealous!!!! you would have to have TWO beards girlfriend!!! Cuz we BOTH love you to pieces! seriously!


  13. Beth - you KNOW I love you more! And I will take both you and Joy out...I'll have TWO "beards"!

    MADDIE!!!! Stubble?!?!? OMG!!!

    Girl, what is this world coming to when us two blond bitches are working the "bear" look?!? We'll have to go camping during "Bear Weekend" again this year!!! That damn Budge, why did he have to get himself sent to prison...again?

