
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Beach Beauties

This post is dedicated to Dust Bunny Dan (see his blog here) - who is leaving tomorrow for Key West. Lucky biatch...


  1. Awww, Thanks Baby. As promised, I have packed my video equipment and camera. If I run into any of these studs, and hopefully I do repeatedly, you will be the first to see the pictures!

  2. Pictures AND sound...I want to see it ALL!

    Have fun!

  3. I wanna see it all too!!! and can he bring back the one in the white shorts?...the next to the last one...for me? thank you very much.

  4. Good god - #1 makes my tongue twinkle.

    Mark :-)

  5. If I dont wear him out, and he doesnt mind hiding in my suitcase, he is all yours.

  6. I'm with you Mark. And it aint just my tongue twinkling altough it is getting pretty hard.

    I'm with you too Beth. The guy in the white shorts. No wait, the guy in the blue. No wait, #4. No wait.


    Ok, here's the deal. I'll be laying face/stomach down in the sand on my rainbow colored towel (big enough for 4) with an invitation which can't be missed.

    Whichever one comes along first gets to tap the prize. Then -- whichever one comes along second gets to tap it again. Then -- which ever one comes along third - ok, you get the idea. The idea is simply to cum along.

    How many were there?

    I'll be waiting, twinkling tongue and twitching bottom.


  7. I'll take number 4 with a side of 5. Supersize my number 6. Oh, wait, they're yours?
