
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lesbian Fight!

The Isle of Lesbos called...they'd like their name back. Read the story here. Damn Lesbians!


  1. My mom gets very upset that we 'mos have "ruined" the word Gay. she once mused, "I used to be able to say that we had a very gay time at the party... now I can't." I just smiled and said, "I don't know about you, but I certainly can!"

  2. Chris - what a lovely and GAY comment! And I mean that in the very best sense of the word...

    I don't know about you, but I've been to some "gay" parties where I haven't had a very "gay" time. And BTW - how much partying is your Mom doing these days? :)


    Thanks for the comment!

  3. Did they like just find out that there island has become synonymous with girl-on-girl action? Boy, it sure takes a long time for word to travel across the sea.

  4. You know those LESBIANS...too busy fixing cars and growing organic bean sprouts to actually read...


  5. That's what I was thinking - why now after all this time? Tin cans and string to relay the news?

  6. Speaking of lesbians, and Lesbians, could you, would you, pretty please with whipped cream on top, start re-capping Work Out? I think your take on it would be amazingly funny and wicked and I know other dust bunnies would love it too.

  7. Darling Maria - I'm sure a "Work Out" recap would just be DELIGHTFUL to my Dust Bunnies! But as much as I love you ALL, I am only one bitch! Between my 2 jobs, my two kitties, pretending to have "a life", and this here blog I've got my hands full. I already stress myself out over the recaps I do now... Besides, lesbians and gyms are two things I try to avoid!
