
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Time Warner Cable STILL Sucks Ass

I am doing this on a "borrowed" wireless signal from my apartment. After waiting for two hours, the (very UN-cute) repairman was here for 45 seconds, and proceeded to tell me I needed a DAYTIME appointment. They tried to give me an appointment for SATURDAY, but after much bitching and moaning, my NEW appointment is now for tomorrow.

It doesn't look good for a Top Chef Recap on Thursday. Even if Time Warner does get me up and running, I have an event during lunch on Thursday that would delay my writing. I'll keep you posted...

Wish me luck!


  1. this SUCKS balls!!!!! I HATE Time Warner...I don't care where you live...they are the same all over the place...L.A.Z,Y.!!

    How can I get through Top Chef without YOU??!!!!! Aint gonna happin!!

  2. Well, I think you should just make something up, whether you see the show or not. In fact, that might even be better than the real show!

    Cable companies inherently suck, but it does appear that Time/Warner is more than happy to deep-throat than most.

  3. They rerun Top Chef so many times that you can do it later. Your problems are much bigger than entertaining us right now because YOU are not being entertained! The injustice!

  4. Dear Elias/Dish Network:

    If you would like your advertise your services here on, please email me at Rates are quite reasonable.

    However, I cannot allow you to advertise free-of-charge in the Comments section.


