
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tonight's American Idol Features "Pariah Scary"!

Sorry, I meant "Mariah Carey". If I don't have to work tonight, I will DEFINITELY be tuning in for this mess...


  1. I'm interested in seeing her now that I heard she lost all kinds of weight.

  2. She was surprisingly not scary, and the meds must have been properly adjusted, and seemed sweet. Go figure.I wanted to see her go all postal on the country girl, or smack-down one of the boys, or to inappropriately fondle young Archadorable. But it was not to be.

  3. I think you had ti right the first time....but she was amazingly NICE to them...even Country Girl..and Archuletta did a great job...and simon loved my boy David Cook!!! Who woulda thunk it??!!!

  4. This was not quite the hot tranny mess I was expecting it to be, I must say. I was surprised.

    Mark :-)
