
Monday, April 7, 2008

White Meat Bonus Hottie - Ronnie Kroell

Even though he didn't win on Make Me A Supermodel, openly gay Ronnie was definitely a fan fave around here. I could totally identify with his crush on straight boy Ben, but honey, I would have 'sealed the deal', if you know what I mean. NO ONE is straight after 8 shots of Tequila...

I LOVE the last picture - Ronnie was obviously "working" this party. Notice the dollar bills in the waistband!


  1. I LOVED Ronnie, and wanted him to get with Ben soooo bad. You know Ben wanted him too. I loved it when Ronnie met Ben's wife..."Awkward!" He really should have won. He is so cute! Is he in New York? Can you hook up with him some how....I must think New York is very small....if someone is in NY then I think you should know them!!

  2. TrannyBeth - If I tried hard enough, I bet I could find him.

    I only saw parts of some of the episodes, but I did see the part where Ronnie met "the wife". That's NEVER an easy situation (TRUST me).

  3. oooh, that sounds like a good story! do tell!!!! ;)

  4. TrannyBeth - it's called 'the story of my life'...

    I'm not gonna go into detail, but I WILL say this - I was prettier!!

  5. I loved Ronnie. I was surpised Holly won but happy for her. She just needs some voice lessons. Ben is in denial right now but give him 1 year in NY and he will come out.

  6. Eileen - you are so right about Holly and her voice - ugh!

    I'm not so sure about Ben though. He might never come out, but I would bet the farm that he ends up having sex with other men (if he hasn't already). If I get any, ahem, "firsthand" information, I'll let you know...


  7. Yaay!

    Thanks for that post :o)
    Make me a Supermodel just made last two months, I even recapped it to put a little more emphasis on the gay theme aka the bromance..

    I was so disappointet to see Holly win but as I read IMG Models, the agency that had to sign the winner, doesn't even have a men's division...

    Can anybody get me a "Bronnie"- Shirt and send it to Germany? I'll pay for it... somehow ;o)

  8. wait, it wasn't img models, it was new york model management... i'm reading without thinking... dumb sources...

  9. I LOVED Ronnie but I think Perry should have been the winner. Unless Holly learns to blow her nose and gets some voice lessons she will never do commercials to supplement any print ads.

  10. PS And how do we know Ben hasn't done it with a prisoner? I have an ex-bf who was in prison and he has told me stories about the guards.
