
Saturday, May 3, 2008

As A Star Wars Nerd (and Obama Supporter), This Is PERFECTION...


  1. Sooo good! Love you nerds (Star Wars and otherwise)! I taught young nerds and geeks for 16 years in the gifted program and also in honors classes.

    Btw, kudos for your Ivy League education at Penn! Impressive and awesome! What was your major?

  2. Darling Joy - I did not go to an Ivy League school. I was/is neither smart enough nor motivated enough.

    I went to Penn State - the state university of Pennyslvania located in State College, PA. "Penn" is the Ivy League school in Philly. Most of my time spent in Philadelphia was spent at gay bars... Which did, indeed, provided vast "educational" opportunities :)

    At Penn State I majored in many things (I took full advantage of the Liberal Arts Department). But ultimately I graduated with a BA in General Arts & Sciences - with an emphasis in Journalism, and a minor in History.

  3. OHMYFREAKINGGOD!!!!!!! Can this GET any bettER??!!! Can I copy this to MY blog?? Can I show this to my grandchildren???? Can I MARRY Barack Obama??!!! I LOVE THAT MAN! And this is the. best. thing. I. have. ever. seen.

    I have to show my husband...but not all the pictures of hot guys...those I'll just keep to myself, thank you very much.

    And tranny, I think you are BRILLIANT!!! Esp. for putting this on your blog! I luvs me some Obama!

    And I bet all those times spent in gay bars were VERY....uh...."educationalyistic" for you....! ;)

  4. In my professional opinion, you my dear sweet David are definitely gifted.

    Have you seen The Viking Kittens? They want to take you to a gay bar but not in Philly:

  5. Beth - of COURSE you can publish it to your blog. All you have to do is sign into Youtube and post it to your blogspot account.

    I know, I LOVED this thing also. And thanks for saying I'm "brillant". You get a good "edubacation" at the gay bars!

