
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

BREAKING: John Edwards to Endorse Barack Obama

John Edwards will endorse Barack Obama tonight at a campaign event in Michigan. Can Al Gore be far behind...?


  1. it's about time...what took him so long? can you believe he pays $400 for THAT haircut???!!!

  2. Do you think this means he might be on the ticket as VP? I hope so!

    In the background Hillary is singing "I'm Not Going" from Dreamgirls.

  3. C'mon, Al!

    Who do y'all think should be the VP candidate with Obama?

  4. Wouldn't John Edwards have been a good-looking prez, though? Not a reason to vote for him, but... Just like Baltimore mayor turned Maryland guv Martin O'Malley. He is very much made up of those boyish good looks.

    I know people have talked about Jim Webb, but he really is needed in Virginia and the Senate. I think a woman is critical as Obama's VP, assuming something catastrophic does not happen and he is the Dem nominee. The best candidate I can think of though is Katleen Sebelius or someone like that. People keep suggesting Clinton but neither she nor Obama could hold their noses long enough to do that. It just won't happen. I could be wrong but it won't happen.

  5. Looks like a dream Ticket to me!

  6. Obama would be a fool to have Hillary as VP. I don't care what it might do for the ticket because then she and Bill would be there trying to take over. I agree with you about Jim Webb and also about Kathleen Sebelius because she'd be good and it would take care of the female aspects of the ticket.

    Yes, Edwards is good looking which doesn't hurt. Maybe he'll be Attorney General. He'd be great there.

    This is also an election for the Supreme Court.
