
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If You Live In North Carolina Or Indiana: VOTE!

White Meat Monday is extended for just a little while longer with this post of Make Me A Supermodel's Ronnie Kroell campaigning for Hillary Clinton. You all know that I'm an Obama supporter, but I know how my Dust Bunnies LOVE them some Ronnie (see previous post here) - so I thought I'd share. I found these pics on the great NYC gay blog Kenneth in the 212.

This is what I want to know: who in the hell is the hottie to the right? Is that Ronnie's man? Does this mean he's over Ben?!? If anyone knows, please share...

If you live in North Carolina or Indiana - get out and VOTE (for Obama)!


  1. RONNIE IS SO CUTE!!! and that other guy IS hot too, but Ronnie.....oh ronnie.....

  2. OMG!!!

    Ronnie really knows how to pick 'em! He is so cute and smart too. I totally have a new found love for my boy! He makes this mama so proud.

  3. Blech. I hated everyone on that show so much towards the end. I never even watched to see who won (and I'm ok with not knowing).

  4. I'm aleady a Clinton supporter,but if I wasn't and Ronnie came to my door,I would totally switch my support!!He is just adorable!

  5. That show was such a guilty pleasure until the last two totally worthless episodes. They should have just have a five minute special where they told everyone that Holly had won (Yay!!! Even though Ronnie is totally gorgeous!!! And what was with that fool Ben sticking around until the end?) instead of extending it for 45 idiotic minutes.

    I know a lot of gay men, and Ronnie (whom I do not know) is the first one that supports Sen. Clinton. Truly. Didn't matter for me - I live in Maryland (which has a closed primary). The first primary here in years that counted, I couldn't vote in, because I am registered as "not affiliated with any party"

  6. Thanks for the photos of Ronnie! Glad to see him being politically active.

    Mark :-)

  7. Ronnie is hot, and always seemed smart, too. Good for him for getting involved on the political front.

    Thanks for the pics!

  8. Howard - I was TOTALLY thinking of you when I posted this. I remembered that you are a big fan.

  9. Yes, my dear, I was crazy about the boy. How sweet of you to remember! I purchased my 'B*R*O*N*N*I*E*' t-shirt, and voted more than my legal limit, and am glad he has left Ben as a distant memory. I bet Ronnie runs for office at some point in the future.
