
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Karina Smirnoff Is One Lucky Biatch

Mario Lopez and his former Dancing with the Stars partner (and current girlfriend) spent some time recently at the beach. Mario needs to spend ALL of his time at the beach - shirtless of course.


  1. she may be lucky, but homegirl is UGLY without her makeup on!!! SNAP!

  2. so i may or may not have been watching golden girls on lifetime on monday morning... and it may or may not have been the episode where bea arthur is little mario's tutor and he gets deported despite his beautiful prize winning story about the american dream...anyhoo...

  3. I would gladly play the part of Mario's girlfriend should she one day inexplicably turn up dead.

    A boy can hope!

    Mark :-)

  4. I would so sit on those big old shoudlers and play a game of chicken !! Beautiful pecs!

  5. And they keep saying they are "just friends" and not romantic. Yeah right.

  6. Mario is so hot and cute and sexy!

  7. Mario Lopez, sigh.....

    Fine, I'll admit it, I have been in lust with the man since his days on Saved By the Bell.....any excuse for shirtless pictures of Mario is fine by me!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. *sigh* His beauty saddens me.
