
Friday, May 2, 2008

Politics Is Funny!

Hat tip to Joe.My.God.


  1. Love this! So true!

    I also compared her with the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  2. Oy. It's so not even funny anymore. For those people who are like "the long primary season isn't hurting the democrats" I tell you I used to love Obama and say "well Hillary's a great candidate too". Now I hate her and I'm not even that jazzed about him anymore. I still blame this mostly on Hills though.

  3. I used to be such a Hillary supporter...but no more.

    And like Meeg, I'm starting to not be thrilled with Obama either.

    The whole thing is getting ridiculous. Leave it to us Democrats to fuck this "sure thing" up...

  4. No kidding! If anything goes on long enough (or too long in this case), too much crap will happen and screw it up.

    That being said, I'm so stealing this. It will show up this weekend on my blog!

  5. What's mine is yours, my darling Joy...

  6. Awwww, you are too sweet to me, and I so deserve it!

    Many big hugs! xoxoxoxoxo
