
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What Is Your "Walk Score"?

Don't forget to go here and tell us what the "walk score" is for your address.


  1. Oh, that looks like my Clancy when he was a toddler!

    With my score of 54, I realize that realistically I COULD walk to many places - like downtown where there are bookstores, shops, coffee/gift shop, a cafe, etc. I could also conceivably walk to the library and other places. I have actually walked to town before and will consider the possibility of doing it again. Usually I drive to the lake and walk around it since that was a habit once upon a time.

    Damn, every time I turn around I hear of another good reason to exercise!

  2. My area got a score of 0. Obviously they couldn't see my treadmill from there.

  3. I did better than expected. I got a 74. Mind you, it didnt mention that you need to be wearing a bullet proof vest and carry and uzi to get anywhere, but hey a 74 is a 74, I will take it.

  4. Mine was 78 and it tickles me that there are 5 Starbucks and 8 bars, each less than a mile from my house!

  5. Just took mine and got a 78.We do our walking out at a huge lake minutes from our apartment and the eye candy is aplenty with all the hot "straight" daddies! We also do alot of our walking in downtown Philly which is 14miles from our place.This weekend we to had lots of servicemen in town for the holiday festitvies!And keeping up with them was a work out!

  6. OMG! I got a 12!!!! I SUCK!!! In more ways than one! ;) HA! I crack myself up!

    the only place I want to walk is to your place so we can sit and watch reality tv and eat strawberry fluff dessert!!

  7. I'm tagging you today. Have fun!

  8. David, I tagged you on my blog today! Don't hate appreciate! :)

  9. Currently 86, moving to a 77--in the same league. This is in Queens, uniquely car-friendly AND walkable. No way would I buy a house with to public transportation access...gas wil be $10 a gallon very soon...
