
Monday, May 26, 2008

A Word About Comments...

First of all I LOVE COMMENTS. All Bloggers do - it's validation that we've done something that others like (or hate). And I seem to be needier than most when it comes to wanting comments...

Over the last couple of weeks, I have heard grumblings (here and elsewhere) about comments not posting. So here is some information regarding commenting on DavidDust:

I "moderate" my comments mostly to keep homophobic assholes, porn spammers, and lunatics at bay. I don't do it to "censor" my Dust Bunnies, but on a few rare occasions I HAVE declined a comment because it was just a little TOO much. Again, this is an extremely rare phenomenon. So PLEASE don't be shy - I don't bite (unless you want me to).

I check my blog MULTIPLE times during the day, so if you do not see your comment after a few hours, it might not have gotten to me. PLEASE, if you have the time, send it to me again. The only time that it may take a few hours or more would be at night or on a weekend where I don't have computer access. Plus, if you check back - you may find that I have written a GEM of a reply - maybe something extremely witty or wise. Or not.

Lastly, did I mention that I LOVE comments? I did?!? Ok.




  1. Hello, my name is Joy, and I'm a comment addict.

    We could start Comment Whores Anonymous, but who wants to quit?

    You always respond with clever, witty, wonderful comments back, Mr. Fab!

  2. Darling Joy -

    We will have to serve extremely fattening snacks at the CWA meetings. For "comfort" purposes, of course. Or perhaps we can just hold the meetings at Arbys...

    Thanks for being the first to comment on my "comment" post. YOU, my darling, are the fab one here!

  3. Hiya

    I am delurking just to say that I adore your blog and have been a happy reader for a few months.... your posts make me laugh out loud...

    So, gosh, when I found out you loved comments I thought I would just have to tell you how much fun your blog is- from medical appointment avoidance (I so share that) to your yummy daddies to Top Chef - what's not to love?

    I will drop by to comment again.

    Zombie Mom

  4. I will try to increase the very subtle sexual language I use so as to be censored more often. I realize that there are times I am not nearly as explicit as I could be, using phrases like a desire for man-creme instead of just saying my favorite drink is hot thick cum, and mentioning that I might find myself face down on a pillow rather than just pointing out my greatest pleasure in life is getting fucked by cute latino men, or, well I could go on and on, but then I would give my inner most feelings away and that is not something I do for most anyone - unless you are one of those cute latinos.


  5. Zombie Mom - Thanks for delurking and commenting! I always love to hear from my more quiet "Dust Bunnies"!

    Travis, Travis, Travis - what am I going to do with my darling Travis?!? :)


  6. Gawd, Travis is SOOO bad, aint he? ;)

    and I ate lunch at Arby's the other day and I ate a giant roast beef sandwich and thought of you the whole time! I should have taken a picture...sorry. Maybe I could mail you one, huh?

  7. Now that I've stumbled upon your blog (since you stumbled upon mine) I must share I love comments as well. Like, LOVE them.
