
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Daddy Of The Day - Rafael Nadal

Tennis star Rafael Nadal just turned 22 years old, and has never lost the French Open (winning four in a row) - his latest victory coming this past weekend. He is from Mallorca, Spain and is just too cute.


  1. I agree with Zombie...sucha sweet boy..22???!!! Wow, I. am. freakin. OLD!!!

    But he does have nice arms...for a boy! ;)

  2. Beth, I hear you. To my great dismay, I have discovered I use the term 'kids' to a larger and larger group every year. I look at some and wonder if they have a license yet, and discover they are in their 20s. And I realize I am ancient, a relic!

  3. Just wait, young things, it gets much worse. I cannot believe I'm this old because I still feel the same inside, but I'm eligible for Medicare this fall! Yikes! Now do you feel younger?
