
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Have A GREAT July 4th Weekend!

Happy Birthday America! What's everyone up to this weekend?


  1. Wow, gives a whole new definition to 'wrapping yourself in the flag.' There are a couple of stars and stripes that are threatening to poke my eye out.

    Family stuff, mainly, with visiting relatives. I'll most likely watch some DVDs just to not be too entrenched in the breeder thing.... LOL

  2. I'm coming to NYC and enjoying the weekend with you...if you will have me.

  3. I am hoping to get things done around the apartment and get to the gym. Although that's what I hope to do EVERY weekend.

    On Saturday or Sunday, my BFF Michael and I might head over to Coney Island to watch Papis and eat hot dogs. Or eat Papis and watch hot dogs...


  4. Mike - Mi casa es su casa. We'll go trolling for Papis...


  5. Nice pictures!Guy number two is from Philly.He's sooooo hot.We have seen him on the street here.I believe he use to work at a strip joint down by the river.!His name is Sean.But all these guys are hot as hell!We are heading to the Woods this weekend to make merry and have a cock-a-tail or two or 10!And some cookouts!I prepare them for your arrival girl!

  6. Hey Happy 4th... I am going to try to avoid being killed by the kids and hit the trails for a run, if not still succumbing to vile illness... then hosting a little gathering and grilling and chef'ing up... and if the planets align starting a new painting....

    Be good- kisses

  7. Right now I'm saluting the flag, but that should subside in a few minutes. ;)

    I'm going for Margaritas this evening. Not very American, I know. I'll figure out the rest of the weekend as it happens.

  8. Looks like it is going to be a quiet weekend for moi. Some friends that used to have a big pool party have split up and that was the end of the big July 4 party. :-(

  9. Pic #4.

    My 4th plans --

    Going to a Party later tonight in Louisville with a new friend.

    Going to visit my incarcerated cousin tomorrow in West Liberty.

    Going to fireworks on the river tomorrow night in Frankfort.

    Saturday and Sunday I'll be looking for the guy in pic #4 to see if wants to set off some fireworks with me. Not really. See the P.S. below.

    By the way, watching papis and eating hot dogs are certainly related.

    P.S. -- I'm finally dating someone again - Angel, pronounced en espanol. He is Cuban.

    No more giving head to just any cute thing on the street. Now, I'll have be more discreet.

    Happy 4th.


  10. Happy 4th everyone!

    Tomorrow is a picnic and fireworks with the family. I hope the weather is nice the rest of the weekend so I can work on improving my photography skills. Here's a patriotic photo I took last weekend:

  11. doncha just love TRavis??!!

    Happy 4th Tranny!!!

    No big plans here...the 4th is usually a bust for me so I really don't plan anything..throwing some ribs on the grill and some fruit, maybe a banana pudding in there somewhere...nothing stupendous!!

    eating papis and watching hot dogs...sounds perfect!!!

    love and kisses
