
Monday, July 14, 2008

White Meat Monday - Drinking Buddies

Surgeon General's Warning: straight guys drinking together can sometimes lead to this:

Or, in extreme cases, even THIS:

Consider yourself warned!


  1. Mmmm, straight boys and alcohol always make for some wonderful homo-erotic photos!!!

    Mark :-)

  2. the whole str8 boys & alcohol thing never worked for me, at least in real life. Too bad, really. Would love to have been part of a scene like these. Instead, we just ended up watching football...

  3. No kidding Howard. Same here.

    Plenty of flirting--no action. Fuckers.

  4. Well first off, you would have to assume they were all straight!

    My motto has always been the difference between a straight man and a gay man is a six pack of beer.

    Now lets address the pierced nipples on the first picture. Remember the days when only the gays did that shit? I am so tired of everyoen wanting to be like us!

