
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Don't Even Want To THINK About It...

I will be in New Orleans from Friday to Tuesday...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So don't. Have a drink instead. Think of it as medicinal.

  3. I'm sure you will be having too much fun to worry about a hurricane.

  4. LB checking in a little late this time. But a very Happy Birthday to you.....and keep the party up in New Orleans...I hope you have a great time.

    Have fun at the Shear Genius are becoming an "A" list blogger!

    Look forward to your NO stories and the recaps when you return!

    Sending your kitty a hug and a Hi to your Mom!

    LB Anon

  5. "Ain't nuttin but a chicken wing," as we say down in Texas. (where I happen to live---in prime hurricane territory)

    You'll be fine, Presh.

  6. Gustav better stay away from the Crescent City or else we'll have to cut a German Bitch Hurricane!

    Check out the story about Olympian Papis on my blog. (just a brief mention of them, but I thought about you during that part)

    BE SAFE!!

  7. just do what I said....hole up in some dive bar with Dan and Luis and "ride out the storm"...then we'll swim to see the Papis!!!!

  8. And I will be drunk right there beside you!

  9. Howard is right,you'll be so drunk,you won't know what the hell hit you! And besides girl,you 'll get carried out to sea and end up in Papi Ville!

  10. Good luck and if you drink enough, you won't even notice the rain....

  11. oh honey... well you may not see much of the city, but just hang out and have some drinks and some room service. or a hooker. ;) just kidding of course.

  12. It's too early to tell where Gustav will go.

    To give you an idea, one model has in the Florida Panhandle on Monday, another has it in Louisiana on Monday and another has it on the Yucatan on Monday. That is a difference of 350 miles from Florida to the Yucatan.

  13. DDust I was thinking about that earlier today watching the weather report/oil production facility freakout on CNBC. It cannot be.

  14. If it hits, find a CNN camera and wave so we know you are alright!

  15. Have fun Double D!!!! I am extremely jealous!
