
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Papi Is Sent Packing

I just wrote a long, expletive-laden post expressing my true views of tonight's episode of Stylista. But Mama Bunny told me a long time ago that if I didn't have anything nice to say, I should keep my mouth shut. So my mouth is shut, and I won't be posting my original thoughts.

FYI, they sent home Arnaldo, the cute Papi Poet from the Boogie-Down Bronx - and left a bunch of skinny, stank white bitches - one of whom is named "Cologne". You can imagine how I felt about THAT...



  1. Oh, he is adorable!!!! So sad he is gone. I am so woefully behind in watching my shows its tragic. I am like a bug suspended in amber when it comes to television.. woe, woe is me.

  2. oh sweet lord, what a mess...

    alright, first things first. i usu heart snarkiness and/or sarcasm, but that one wannabe chick who started hating people immediately, really got on my last. not that i was super-impressed w/ the main object of her venom, ms. meatbags, but the bitch and her sidekick were too much for me.

    that was my main feeling through the whole show, but overall, i was not impressed. i am sure it will tighten up a bit and get a bit better after a few people leave, but we'll see. you KNOW i will keep watching! =))

  3. Thankfully there are only 8 episodes, huh? A shame about Arnaldo. We never got to know him, and his CW bio is woefully lacking.

    For the record, I thought DyShaun had nice toes.

  4. I prefer Clairee's mantra: "If you don't have something nice to say about someone, sit next to me".

    Sorry about the Papi Poet.

    Mark :-)
