
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Zima Discontinued!!!

Lord, what is this world coming to?!? Although I haven't had a Zima in YEARS, it was my gang's OFFICIAL messy afterhours drink when I first moved to NYC.

In New York, the bars close at 4:00 am. Technically, corner delis and bodegas stop selling beer at 4:00 am also. But if you call for a DELIVERY, they'll deliver whatever you'd like at any time of the day or night (or morning).

There were times that we would come home from the bars and get so many Zima deliveries, that they would SELL OUT. The deli guys would be trying to suggest beer, Bartles & Jaymes, etc., but for some reason, we always wanted Zima.

Read the story HERE. I guess my young adulthood really IS over...


  1. Truly, the end of an era. I haven't had one for a while, but I used to really like them. I'm more for a good glass of wine now.

  2. When I first joined AOL in '95, I started out with a really silly SN. Then I dated a guy I didn't want to find me again, so I changed my name to...Zimagal1. I thought of the name while staring at the bottle of Zima in my hand. Zima (me) was pretty infamous for a while there, but then I became theminx and ended that particular era. Haven't touched the stuff in years, and I'm not sure why I drank it to begin with. :)


  3. if you're old, then I am wayyy older, cuz I love me some Zima!!! I'm sad.

  4. Poor Baby!! I cry for you. :-(

  5. Spread the word:
