
Monday, November 24, 2008

True Blood: Season Finale


Did anyone else watch the season finale of True Blood on HBO last night? OMFG - I love that show. First of all, I always thought there was something weird about René. (played by Michael Raymond-James, below) Did they explain why René faked his accent, and why he killed those "vampire lovers" (besides the fact that he HATED vamps)?? I must admit, I watch TV with my laptop in front of me - so I sometimes get distracted.

And HELLO "Eggs"! - played by former Desperate Housewives cast member (and HOTTIE) Mehcad Brooks. I predict a future Daddy of the Day post for Mehcad...

And since it IS White Meat Monday, here are some pics of hottie Ryan Kwanten, who plays Jason Stackhouse...

All in all, it was a pretty good ending, and they really "teased" the next season: Is Lafayette DEAD??; What's up with that Maryann "Social Worker" Beeyotch??; And how are Sam and Maryann connected??

But then I read on MikeInBama's BLOG that the new season of True Blood won't begin until NEXT SUMMER! That totally sucks.


  1. I am seriously hooked on True Blood as well. I've suspected Rene for a while, it's always the one who is nice on the outside, isn't it? It's looking like Maryann may be a "shifter" as well, and definitely a history with Sam. They had that one short scene of her meditating or something and her body was doing some strange flickering. It looked kind of like she was about to "beam up Scoty" then didn't. And Ryan Kwaten...........only my next ex-future husband and current object de fantasy. How many ways of "hot" can one person be?

  2. the best new show this season.

  3. yeah it was summer isn't that far off time is really moving @ a fast pace

  4. True Blood is awesome, although the books are better. Rene hated vamps and started killing fang-bangers after getting upset with his sister (who was a fang-banger) and killing her. He faked his accent since he changed his name and moved after killing his sister. I can't believe we have to wait until summer for the return.

  5. No, no, say it ain't summer, bummer.

    I guess I will have to read the books.

  6. I'm so sad, I don't have HBO...I'm too busy paying for cell phones to get HBO!! ;) But I LOVE me some vampires!!!! they are so sexy. I seriously wanted to be one when I was younger....still do.

  7. I love love love this show. I hope Lafayette is coming back. He's a breath of fresh air for gay characters

  8. HBO loves to do that: get you all 'wet' for a series, then wait a year or so to begin the next season. Remember that time with the Sopranos when they made us wait like 18 months???

    Damn HBO. That's why I cancelled it.

    Mark :-)

  9. I love True Blood as you know, but I'm pissed I have to wait practically a year for the new season.

  10. I will be seriously pissed if Lafayette is dead. He was one of the best things about the show.

    I think Rene was Sybil-ish. Don't know the exact term for it but he was too nice so of course he had to be the bad guy.

    I wanted to smack Sookie and Tara half the season though. Sookie for being such a spoiled brat and Tara for being so hard headed. You do have to feel for Tara though after her mom doing all she did to her then disowning her.

    I'm gonna have to get the books I guess cause I cant wait until next summer to see what happens.

    Also addicted to Dexter. Am I the only one just dying for him to kill someone?

    brooke/chef biatch

  11. I can't read all of the post and comments because I'm behind on it and have to watch On Demand to catch up. I really like it.

    OK, I cheated and read the comments. LOL, Beth! I can't believe us! I wanted to be a vampire when I was young, too! This is too funny!

  12. Just like you I am a True Blood fanatic. I either suspected Rene or the weird army guy as the killers. Weird army guy makes me laugh so much. And I hope Lafayette isn't dead, his characters is refreshing. I agree with someone, half the time I wanted to smack Sookie, she is so "wishy-washy" one minute she hates Bill, then she loves him, then she hates him. And this dance her and Sam are doing. ONe day he cares about Tara, then he wants Sookie. I don't get it.

    MaryAnn, MaryAnn.. what the hell is she? For Tara to be such a skeptic about everyone and everything else, why is she so trusting of this woman. I can't wait until next season, even though it is going to be a long drought. At least Nip/Tuck starts in January to bide the time away.
