
Monday, December 8, 2008

White Meat Monday Daddy Of The Day - Steve

Steve is a full-time UPS Deliveryman and a part-time model from California. Sorry guys and gals - he has a girlfriend. Also - is it just me, or are most UPS Guys total Hotties?!?


  1. This makes getting ready to start the week far less miserable! :) Happy Monday!

  2. given all the touchups in pic 5, i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Steve just needs to ban the razor.

    He is so hubbahubba!!

    Nice to see a model that isn't in dire need of a Krispy Kreme sandwich made with peanut butter and brown sugar.

    And in my experience, most UPS/Purolator guys are indeed, sexy as hell.

  3. I kinda like this one. He's no K-Dubb, but then, who is?


  4. I agree with Kevin - ban the razor.

  5. Reminds me of the scene in Legally Blonde. The UPS guy delivers a package to the manicurist and says that he has a BIG one for her. If this guy was my UPS deliveryman...I'd order shit everyday!!! Lickable

  6. D - I will DEFINETLY agree with you that UPS guys are hot...

  7. WOW - he is super-hot. But I bet he has a hairy chest if he didn't shave/wax/pluck/tweeze, which is the ONLY thing that could make him hotter.

    Mark :-)

  8. Steve is defintely hot as hell. You know girl that Marco Dapper was also a ups guy and also from Ca. I keep waiting for a package a be delievered by a hottie instead of the ones a get.
