
Friday, January 30, 2009

Bacon Explosion + THE HAT = Perfection

Dust Bunny Dan just blogged about The Bacon Explosion - and said he might actually try to make one over the weekend. If so, we want a full report!

But then Joe.My.God. posted a picture of The Bacon Explosion wearing THE HAT, and I almost spit my Diet Dr. Pepper onto my computer monitor. Perfection.


  1. I'm pretty sure Ms. Franklin would love her some bacon explosion, hat or no.

  2. LMAO - I will not be making it with the hat!

  3. I LOVE that hat! Keep it coming! *HAT*

  4. Wow! A guy at work showed me this a couple days ago and said that it is all over the internet. Now that I've seen it here I know that it must be a true phenomena.
