
Friday, January 2, 2009

Clean Your Room!

This post was inspired by Frogponder, who posted a picture of her son's (world reknown college party dude - Gorilla Boy) messy bedroom - which he managed to trash in just a few days. Maybe Gorilla Boy spends all his time flexing his muscles in his room, like these gentlemen.

I am a slob also - my bedroom always looks like a tornado just hit it. Although, unlike these fellows, I can't blame my sloppiness on spending too much time at the gym...


  1. Oooooooo! You are tricksy! I usually don't look at the half nekked mens but being as how Gorilla Boy's room served as inspiration for this post I had to peek.

    After having almost killed myself getting tangled up in a shelving unit, that was, for some reason, on the floor.... I have perfected the shuffle walk, never picking up my feet and I just wade in. There is one plant I like to keep in his room (we painted it last spring and it is in there to suck up toxic fumes) and it needs water. If it wasn't for the plant I'd never venture in there.

  2. I don't have the gym excuse for my house, either!

    Funny, FP, about the plant!

  3. I'll clean all their rooms for free!!

  4. I like the last one best,but I'd clean house for the 2nd one, too!

  5. FP - did you paint or plant it last spring? It might not need water anymore if you painted it. :) (Sorry to be Mr. Spellcheck today.)

    DDust - OMFG, #2. He's an XTube video about to happen! Me. Want. Now.

  6. i'd clean my room if these boys would show up to help.

    what you think i am? cinderella?

  7. and what does gorilla boy look like, pray tell?

  8. Well, I could forgive #1 for the messy room. Mmmmm...
