
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Good TV Night

24 continued it's new season on Fox last night with another 2-hour episode. I KNEW Tony Almeida (above) wasn't a bad guy! And I was so happy to see Chloe (below) behind her omnipotent computer terminal. Why doesn't Chloe just hack into the Treasury Department and wire some of those TARP funds into a Swiss bank account and retire? You KNOW she could do it and never get caught.

Then there was a new episode of CSI: Miami - featuring one of the hottest papis on TV, Adam Rodriguez ("Eric Delko" - below).

I wonder if this will be the season when Calleigh and Eric (below) finally get together?...


  1. LOVE 24!!! And doesn't Bill look great with that white/silver hair! And what is it about women computer geeks? Jeanne Garafalo is a Chloe clone.

    As for CSI Miami - used to watch it (mainly for Eric) - but pull-eeze... They make things happen so fast on that show it makes Jack Bauer look comatose.

  2. Convoluted, and in a way, predictable, plot on '24', but what do I care, 'cause Tony is back!

    (Still miss Michelle though.)

    I agree with Amber LeMay, Bill is pretty foxy, and more badass to boot!

    Love your blog!

  3. oh honey, if she doesn't want him, I will take him gladly!!!! Do they come any hotter than him? wel, I don't know how hot he comes, but I bet it is HOT!!!!

  4. TrannyBeth - You are SO BAD!! That's why I love you!!!!!


  5. I don't watch 24 or CSI:Miami, but I love Adam Rodriguez.
