
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen ...

... The President of the United States of America - Barack H. Obama. God Bless America.

Feel free to share your feelings about today (and your opinions of Aretha's hat) in the comments. I am at work and have been watching on my computer (MSNBC) - and crying - A LOT ... What a wonderful day.

UPDATE: The Right Wing is NOT happy today. Michelle Malkin - one of the leading voices/bloggers in Wingnutistan, has a blog post entitled "Obamamedia Orgy Watch". Her crazy commenters are going bonkers in response to the inauguration of our new President. Here is one of my favorites:
Puke. Liberals have already succeeded in undermining the foundations of this country. The tide is overwhelming and the descent in American power and prosperity will now accelerate. Some may realize their mistake but it will be too late. We are so screwed.
Or this one:

Just goes to show you how utterly foolish the masses can be. They have no idea how bad the country can become

Yeah - if the Republicans had someone stayed in power, this country would be WELL on its way to prosperity again. Dumbasses.


  1. My student didn't show so I rushed home, watched the oath and the speech! And I saw the hat - takes a real woman to pull off that hat!
    Great speech, will have to listen again to really get it all. Off we (Daughter and I) go, we'll record the parade.

  2. I loved the speech; hated Rick Warren because I think he was full of mumbo jumbo bullshit talk; was a wee bit akeered of Aretha's hat; and loved Reverend Lowery's prayer.

  3. "Just goes to show you how utterly foolish the masses can be. They have no idea how bad the country can become..."

    Funny, but that's exactly what I said after the 2004 election....

    I'm still licking my lips with the memory of the sweet, sweet glaze of my Krispy Kreme donut of choice today.

    Haven't seen the hat yet, but I can imagine.

    Love your posts!

  4. While it was an amazing and unquestionably important day, I was moved, but not to tears. Pastor Rick was rather unsettling, using language and rhetoric I found out of touch with the event [but it could just be me].

    I thought Aretha owned that hat and was fabulous, and the First Lady looked gorgeous.

    I am stunned the Right Wing is not having a good day. Yarite. If they were that concerned with the foundations of the country and the decent of power and prosperity, their voices might have been appreciated over the past 8 years as the former president flushed the moral, monetary and legal system down the toilet. And we know who foolish the 'masses' can be, we watched them at campaign stops for McCain/Palin.

  5. Regarding Aretha Franklin's hat, here is a comment I left on Beth's blog:

    Thou shalt not speak ill of Ri-Ri Franklin - The Queen of Soul. The hat she wore is called a CROWN. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, bitches.

    A true Queen wears her crown to affairs of State.

  6. Amazing that this same dissent was not used on Bush by the right wingnuts. Obama's speech was great and I loved how he did point out Bush administrations many mistakes.

  7. Loved it all! I am so thrilled and excited and filled with hope today! I haven't felt this inspired since President Kennedy! What a glorious day!!!

  8. Oh, what a glorious day... Happiness, joy, relief. Here's how I celebrated in Vermont...

  9. I got a little teary, listening to Obama speak. I was in my car, listening on the radio, so I haven't yet seen THE HAT, but you can bet your sweet ass, I'm googling it.

  10. Oh Happy day. The haters will not get me down. Not even Aretha's hat can bring me down. You know it was big talk at my Nana's house! Nana ended up going for the Queen. What a day this is. I am so happy. When Rev Lowrey said "When the red man can get ahead man." I was cheering.

  11. That hat! When I first saw it I said "Oh my look at that hat!" I was ready to write it off as ridiculous. Then she sang... the hat sparkled, she blazed forth and I was floored! The hat was perfect!

  12. There were many times walking through the streets of DC this weekend that I litteraly broke down in tears. This was a long time coming and when the weight of what was about to happen hit me, and Luis for the matter, the tears began to flow.

    Dont even get me started on the concert, I was cried out by the end.

    What a great day to watch our country come together. And yes, we can finally say "United" States of American once again.

  13. "We are so screwed." Yeah, interesting coming from the party that has raped and pillaged the country for eight years. Oh, if I had my way, they would be more than just screwed!

    LOVE the crown comment! Yes, it was.

    Rick Warren: don't like the guy, but couldn't fault his prayer (you might want to read it again). The problem is that his prayer was totally hypocritical coming from his mouth.

  14. I find it very interesting that Reverend Lowery can use the phrase "yellow will mellow" in referring to our Asian American citizens and the Obama media thinks nothing of it. Imagine if a benediction contained the "N" word. Two different standards I guess.

  15. Amazing, wonderful, get a load of this:
    YES YES YES. When I was a small child in the 1970s somehow I absorbed a feeling of trust that the US government was a force of good, protecting the environment, pushing for civil rights, helping people in need...only to see that trust betrayed from the Reagan 80s, through the rise of the Christofascists and on to the criminal atrocities of the last 8 years. I feel that there is hope that we will trust our government is a wonderful feeling.
