
Monday, January 19, 2009

White Meat Monday - Daddy of the Day - Jessie Pavelka

Jessie Pavelka, 26, was born in Corpus Christie, TX and is now pursuing a career in Hollywood. He is currently the fitness trainer on the Lifetime show DietTribe - in which 5 friends take a journey from "fat" to "fit". I guess if you are forced to exercise, you could do worse than having to look at Jessie's hot body while sweating on a treadmill.

You can check out Jessie's web site HERE.


  1. Been planning on featuring this piece of arse for a while. Nice!

  2. ok, what's the scoop? I know you know all the dirt....which team does he play for? Do I have a chance or do I have to buy some "special equipment"? ;)

  3. TrannyBeth -

    As far as I know, I think he's straight...


  4. He is delicious. I would watch the show if it weren't for the women bitching about how they don't want to workout, but yet want to be a size 2.

  5. He is almost too good to be true. Then I saw your declaration of his preferences and realized I was right.
