
Monday, January 12, 2009

White Meat Monday - Royal GingerDouche

A video of Prince Harry using racial slurs such as "Paki" and "Raghead" has surfaced - prompting anger in the U.K., and the typical "I'm sorry if I offended anyone" response from the Royal Family. Pictures of a drunken Harry kissing on his mates (such as the one above) have also been released.

See the video and the entire story HERE. I'm sorry, but the part when Harry pretends to talk to his Granny (the Queen) on the phone and says "yeah ... God save you..." is kind of funny. And btw, Harry claims the carpet does indeed match the drapes...


  1. Honey- you just invented a new award for me to bestow- a GingerDouche! What will you call yours? DustDicks?

  2. How old is this kid?? Doing this once, okay, well boys can make dumb choices sometimes... but this has happened a couple of times and I'm NOT impressed as a dual citizen of a country that holds these people up as royalty! Hurrumph!

  3. Harry's kinda cute, but he ought to keep his mouth shut. He has the habit of putting his royal foot in it.

  4. I thought the "God save y ou" was kinda funny too. Look, he's a Royal, so he probably thinks that rules don't apply to him. He might be racist, but I really don't think he meant any harm by this....I think he's just extremely immature. and needs his mama to set him straight.

  5. What the press forgot to report was the video is over three years old. I too thought the phone call to his granny was funny.

    The rest, he was young and dumb, it happens.

  6. i thought the cell phone part was funny as hell, too... and w/ gingers (even tho i am one) i always hope the carpet DOESN'T match the drapes ~ ginger pubes = gross!

    and could the apology be any more insincere? LOL... i mean, apologies like that always are, but harry didn't even personally apologize.

  7. I think it is a shame the boy thinks he can make the same mistakes as many of his friends, but obviously can't.

    At a certain point, I think this can just be chalked up to immaturity. If some videos appeared of me at certain college functions, I might have some explaining and apologizing to do myself. Thankfully, that will never happen. LOL

  8. I've seen enough of this to recognize this boy fits the mold for one who "protests too much." Too much machismo, way too much declaring his straightness, too much kissin' and lickin' on his drunk boy-pals. I'm sorry. If it looks like a mo and acts like a mo ...
