
Monday, January 5, 2009

White Trash Monday - When Grannies Go Bad

The Alaska State Troopers Union is saying that baby newborn Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston's Grandmother, Governor Sarah Palin, delayed the arrest warrant of baby Tripp's other Grandma, Sherry Johnston (above) until after the November election. You may recall that Sherry Johnston, mother of teenage babydaddy Levi Johnston (below), was arrested last month on drug charges.

Governor Palin's office denies the charge. You betcha. Read the story HERE.


  1. Bristol is-18, right? WHY does she dress like she's 38 yr. old???!!! Is this their attempt to make her look "responsible and mature"??? What 17 yr. old dresses like that???!!!

  2. What a mess! I read the article you linked. Imagine what could have would be like Andrew Jackson in Washington again.When he was elected, so many friends and relatives showed up, he was driven out of the White House when they all trashed the place at the celebration party. Just swamp cousins having a good time.

    xoxo charlie

  3. Bristol is such a fine example of how well abstinence-only education works. Too bad all accidental pregnancies don't get $300k from People magazine for the baby pictures.

  4. Just when you thought the whole Palin Saga couldn't get any weirder...

  5. I may sound weird, but do you think ImPalin's son-in-law is hot as hell? As soon as he is 18 yrs old, I would feel less guilty about drooling over him, lol : )

  6. This could have been our Vice Presidential In-law.....or would that be Outlaw?

    Talk about dodging a bullet.
    Ditto to what Robguy said.

  7. This is so embarrassing. Amen to what Robguy and Bob said. Good point, Beth.

  8. First it was TrooperGate, now this! I'm telling you, we SOOO dodged a bullet by not having Palin as VP.

  9. Levi is so handsome

  10. WHAT? Palin abused her office for personal gain??? I am just shocked. Shocked, I say.
