
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Went To School With An Alleged Murderer

A few weeks ago, A woman's dead body was found in the town I grew up in. Yesterday, one of my childhood classmates was arrested for her murder. Richard "Chip" Hodge (above) admitted to strangling Sheila Kline during sexual intercourse on Jan. 23rd in an alley in downtown Carlisle, PA. Hodge and I were in the same class from 1st Grade all the way through High School.

Wow. Chip was a quiet kid, who apparently later developed quite a drinking problem and a long rap sheet. Seeing his picture online kind of freaked me out. I remember a cute, skinny, quiet boy who was fast as hell on "Track and Field Day". But this picture just shows a tired-looking, 43-year-old accused murderer. So tragic.


  1. The same thing happend to me a few years ago. A female classmate was found dead on the side of the road completely nude. There were no suspects until another former classmate was arrested for her murder. The weird thing about the whole scenerio was that the policeman that was in charge of the case was also a classmate.

  2. Yikes, that's kind of scarey, but mostly just sad.

  3. how weird....I went to school with a kid who had an affair with a married woman and killed her husband. Cut his head clean off with a rented saw from Rental Corral,, then went to prison for the crime. he got out a few years ago and lives nearby. and he was really quiet in school too! I tell ya, it's the quiet ones you gotta watch out for....they will bust a nut on someone in a heartbeat!

  4. I guess he wasn't quick enough this time to escape the clutches of the law!

  5. Oh no. I'm afraid to look back on the people I've gone to school with and even dated. Sad.

  6. Sorry Beth (and everyone), but "bust a nut" made me giggle like a middle schooler.

  7. I wuz always reel quiet
