
Sunday, February 8, 2009

State Mottos

Click on the image to enlarge, or go to Strange Maps for a complete list. Hat tip to Joe.My.God.

Some of these are fascinating. My favorite is Oregon's - "She Flies With Her Own Wings".


  1. "wisdom, justice & moderation"?!? clearly these bitches have never been to GA...

  2. I was born in Mississippi--"By Valor and Arms" and grew up in Calforniä--"Ëureka" as in "Ëureka! I'm a homo."
    Then I moved to Florida, which is Ïn God We Trust" like the money because it's so damned expensive there.
    Now I live in SC where it's "While I breathe, I hope" as in "While I breathe I hope I don't get shot by that sumbitch in the red pickup."

  3. It GROWS as it goes.

    NM sounds kind of kinky.

  4. I want to get It Grows As It Goes printed on a pair of boxers for my husband.
