
Sunday, March 1, 2009


I am so destitute that I don't even own a computer (I make all this blogging magic happen on other people's equipment). But I am fortunate enough to have access to my roommate's old laptop - which has worked great for me until this weekend.

I noticed a day or so ago that this old Dell seemed to REALLY be slowing down. By this morning, it had slowed to a crawl - and even accessing my comments took forever. I swear to God, I was so frustrated that I was ready to throw this bitch out the window and take a long break from blogging - because there is no way I can buy a new computer. But I restrained myself.

Another strike against me as a Blogger is the fact that I have very limited computer knowledge. I can hunt down and post pics of hotties - and that's about it. But I DID happen to notice a little icon on the lower right side of the screen (on the taskbar thingy) that I didn't recognize. After HOURS of trying, I was able to remove whatever it was.

Thank the Baby Jeebus, it seemed to work. Although everything is bigger on the screen now - which I can deal with. And for some reason my cursor is now a friggin' seashell. Again, no reason to throw the computer away.... Yet.


  1. So I am watching My Girl right now and bawling my eyes out over the death of Thomas J. The last nit about your cursor being a seashell made me laugh, thank you! It's quite pitiful being home alone with your 2 cats crying over Macaulay Culkin on a Sunday night...

    I wish I could help you more, maybe if I was there, but definitely not over the interweb. Sorry, especially since my last comp melted itself.

  2. Oh no! If you're still having problems with the laptop, give me a call.

  3. A Good Ho never, ever gives up. She's out on stroll with her ugliest, nastiest shoes and still works it! So pull your shit together and work it HO!.f

  4. my partner helps me, I'm also un-savvy with computers

  5. When I win the lottery, I'll buy you a computer. Until then, that one has to keep working!


  6. I'll light a candle for you...mayabe a couple. After all, nutha storm today and I'll probably have to anyway.
    xoxoxo Charlie

  7. And heer I thought you were of the 'computer literati.'

    We sound more alike all the time, David!


  8. Mamie- ditto what Joy said! And you think you don't know about computer shit, what about me. I can't even enter in a frikkin link!!!!!!!

  9. Pretty much everything I do is either someone else showing me or I stumble onto it. Shall we have a healing intervention for the laptop? I can lay on hands and annoint it with oil ;)

  10. well don't feel bad. My white out doesn't work on any of my documents. I save, boot up again and there are all the mistakes still.

  11. lol! i'm pretty computer savvy so if you ever need a hand send me an email. we're gonna have to take up a collection to get you a new laptop soon though :-)
