
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't F*ck Up AbFab!

Fox has begun filming the American pilot of Absolutely Fabulous - and gay men everywhere are concerned. Will they destroy one of the most ... well ... FABULOUS television shows that ever existed?

The picture above is of Kristen Johnston (left) who will recreate the Patsy role, and Kathryn Hahn (???) who will play Edina. Kristen gave an interview last month that has people worried about a watered-down version of our two favorite insecure, coked-up, shopaholic drunks...
“I think they captured the exact amount of sweetie-darling," she says. "I mean, it’s a totally different element, it’s a totally different show. We don’t smoke, we are hungover all the time, we chew Nicorette, we’re trying to be more PC, but I think it really works. It’s one of those scripts that’s like my favorite kind because on paper you’re like, Oh, this is funny, but when you read it out loud with two actresses, it’s, like, the funniest shit ever.”
More PC?!? They don't smoke?!? Nicorette?!?!! Lord, I guess cocaine and orgies are out of the question. Thank goodness Jennifer Saunders (the original Eddie, and Executive Producer of the original series) is in charge of this remake. I want this shit to be THIN AND GORGEOUS!!!!


  1. Carlos is unhappy about the remake. AbFab was his favorite show--he even named his car PastyEdwina.
    This better be a good remake or there'll be no lving with him!

  2. I don't see how they can do this for Fox. I was hoping it would be on HBO or even FX, but Fox??!! There's no way the show can be as outrageouas as it should be.

  3. Anything that I can cross, is crossed.

  4. oh, i am GLAD to know that one of the originators is on the reins... that's the only reason i am not scared. i mean, the american office wouldn't be shiz w/ out ricky gervais in an exec producer role.

    i still think they will fuck up a good thing, tho... the whole non-smoking thing really sticks in my craw. that and the drunkenness is WHY the show is funny.

  5. "Trying to be more PC" is NOT what that show was all about!

    I mean jesus, Pats sold Saffy to a white-slaver in Marrakech in one episode - and made it f*ckin' hilarious! I don't think it will be able to translate into an American version, ever.

    Now where bloody buggary bollocks is my Stoli-Bolly cocktail?!

  6. When I first heard about this, I was thrilled, but now, I'm pretty anxious. I don't think they'll be able to recapture the magic of the original. We'll just have to see.

  7. I think American TV will "castrate" AbFab. I loved watching the original on Comedy Central years ago, and I don't believe they'll be able to do the things that made the show so hilarious.

  8. The charismatics the original actresses have seem unmatchable. It's hard to imagine anyone else carrying it off.
    We seldom talk bout this show so I am glad to see there are so many more fans of it.

  9. OMFG alert The Hague - this is a matter for the International Court. A true crime against humanity!!*

    Much as I have not watched one second of the American version of Kath & Kim, I don't want to even know about this sacrilege. There is no fucking way this bastardized Fox BS is going to do anything but be a total affront to the magnificience of AbFab.


    (* - I know I know, Darfur is an actual crime against humanity - cut me some slack)

  10. It should be on a cable station. I'm not sure how that description sounds. They'll screw it up. I'm not sure even Jennifer Saunders can protect it the way Gervais has The Office.

    I thought Cracker made the transition and that Robert Pastorelli was a good American version of Robby Coltrane's character, but it got canceled. Couples sucked big time and was not hilarious like the British one. I haven't watched Kath & Kim either because the previews of it convinced me it wasn't going to translate.

  11. I don't have high hopes for this remake. I mean, its kinda like remaking The Mona Lisa.

  12. I have from an industry source with this new show that Jennifer Saunders simply sold the rights to the show to use, but has no involvment in this take on it. She is also quoted on the Grham Norton show she didn't care, just wanted the "transaction". I doubt it will be much success for those of us who have watched the real deal.

  13. Kathryn Hahn is an actress known by her work in "Crossing Jordan" as Lily Lebowski and recently she played Milly Campbell in "Revolutinary Road".

  14. Noooooo.

    I'm already feeling embarrassed for everyone involved in this travesty.

    I could picture Joanna Lumley sneering.

  15. I'm very worried about this remake. I can't count how many times I watched the original. I so love the orig Kath and Kim and the remake is so not what the orig is. I'm afraid but will give it a chance.
