
Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday The 13th

I am a little bit superstitious. I NEVER walk under ladders, I won't open an umbrella indoors, and I'll only pick up a penny on the street if it has the "heads" side up. Ok, I don't think the penny thing is a real superstition - just some weird compulsion. But you get the idea.

Another thing I do is try to avoid the number 13. In fact, when I'm trolling the internet for pictures of hotties - I will never assign a picture file with a number 13. In other words, if I found 15 pictures of "Hottie Perez", I would save each picture individually with the name of the hottie and a number. So the files/pics would be called HottiePerez1, HottiePerez2, etc. However, I would NEVER save a file/pic as HottiePerez13. I always go from 12 to 14 - and have done so since day one on my blog. Isn't that weird?

What superstitions do you have?...


  1. Not walking on opposite sides of a post or pole from the other person with me.

    Not stepping on cracks in the sidewalk.

    Opals are my birthstone, and it's supposed to be bad luck for people to wear them if it's not their birthstone. I've heard that anyway and just think about it when I wear opals. I don't think this one counts as a superstition, does it?

    Not opening umbrellas indoors.

  2. Because I have no life, theatre superstitions are high on my list. Saying the name of Shakespeare's bloody Scottish play in a theatre (or anywhere during a production run) is out for me. That's one bad-ass curse.

  3. I don't have any really.
    I don't think it's because I'm not superstitious, but because there's so many to remember!

    No, it's because I'm not really superstitious.

  4. I am not superstitious at all. I prefer freedom.
