
Saturday, March 7, 2009


Peter Griffin is injected with the "gay gene" in tomorrow's episode of The Family Guy. I LOVE this show - but only recently started watching it. I can't believe how much I've missed.


  1. well better late than never...

  2. i LOVE LOVE LOVE family guy... i watch it all the time, no matter if it's a rerun or what. you will be happy to know that seth mcfarland is a hardcore ally of the gay community as well as an outspoken "no on prop h8-er"... apparently, a cousin that he was very close to came out and was ostracized by the entire fam. seth is awesome (and pretty cute in his own way).

  3. family guy is the best show on TV :) I"m naming my first born Stewie :) xoxo Vav

    PS Enjoy!!!

  4. David, you must, I repeat, must rent or buy all of the six volumes of Family Guy on DVD and all of "American Dad" on DVD as well.
    "Lincoln Lover" and "Surro-Gate" from American Dad are gay classics!! Anything with Seth McFarland's name attached is comedy gold in my book!!!
