
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pageant Hottie: Question & Answer

PEREZ: Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?

HOTTIE: Hells to the yeah! Opposite Marriage is gross. I don't mind what one man and one woman do behind closed doors, but I don't need them rubbing my cute nose in it. That's just the way I was raised.

Reality Show/Life Updates

The Fashion Show starts next week on Bravo - and The New York Post published an article this week about the new show. Unlike Project Runway, it seems that some of the runway judging will be done by semi-ordinary people (gasp!). Read the story HERE. And YES, I do plan on recapping The Fashion Show when I can ...

Next, as most of you have heard by now, Top Chef Season Six will be based in Las Vegas...

No, this gentleman will not be one of the Cheftestants. I wish! Speaking of Top Chef, judge Toby Young busted his face in a car accident. Go to Dust Bunny Kayce's blog - Chef The City - to see the gruesome picture. And NO, I was not happy that he got hurt - I am not that evil ... at least not today.

Finally, my busy schedule caught up with me last night - and I couldn't stay awake for Make Me A Supermodel.

So no MMASM recap this week. I feel bad because it was nice to actually write something last week, but right now I am just too busy. I have been concentrating other priorities - like trying to get laid healthy, and keeping my job.

On a positive note, since my weekend freakout I have been VIGILANT about my food intake, and I've exercised every day. And I never do this, but I guarantee to bring you good news on Monday for my "Weigh-In". I have not given up, and I'm feeling pretty damn good, actually.

Google Fun

I'm obsessed with my Feedjit thingy (located at the bottom of my right sidebar). Feedjit tells you where visitors to your blog are physically located, what website they came from, and where they go when they leave. It will also tell you if someone got to your blog as a result of a Google search - and if so, what they were searching for.

Yesterday, someone from Hixon, TN found DavidDust by Googling the following:
why is it that new members at tmobile get a new phone but people who have been with get a stupid discount that aint nothing
I cut and pasted that bitch EXACTLY, because it cracked me up! They ended up on THIS post about my new (free!) phone. Speaking of my new phone, I still don't know how to use the MP3 thing, but the radio is FIERCE!

When I was looking for pictures to accompany this post, I found the above. Go ahead, follow the instructions and see what happens. Google is funny!

Hottie of the Day - Ivan Rusilko

Ivan Rusilko is the current Mister USA. Check out his website HERE.

"Hey YOU, Don't Forget To Watch..."

Don't forget to watch Make Me A Supermodel tonight on Bravo at 10pm. I have work obligations during the day on Thursday - so look for my recap sometime Thursday evening or Friday.

Evil Beeyotch Maggie Rizer returns tonight ... along with farm animals!! Watch what happens, bitches!

Welcome to the Gun Show

All of the hotties above (except guy #1) are former Daddies of the Day.

Pam Anderson Needs to Work on Her Tuck

Is it just me, or does Pam Anderson look like a messy drag queen who's losing her "tuck"? In the immortal words of RuPaul: "There are still a lot of snakes on this mother-fucking plane"! Check your bulge, girl.

Speaking of RuPaul, season two of RuPaul's Drag Race is casting now.

Scare Force One

I thought this kind of dumbassery was supposed to end with George W. Bush. NBC News anchor Brian Williams, among others, thinks someone should pay.

If I was on the street in front of my work I would have been able to see the plane - but luckily (?) they keep me locked in a windowless office most of the time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TV Land Awards

Did anyone else see the TV Land Awards on Sunday night? I've never seen them before, but I must say they were very entertaining. The show was hosted by everyone's favorite gay-of-the-moment, Neil Patrick Harris (above).

They honored many shows, but there were two highlights for me. First of all, they honored The Bundy's from Married With Children. They are still one of my favorite TV families of all time...

The other highlight was the honoring of Sid and Marty Kroft...

Sid and Marty were responsible for some of my favorite childhood shows, like Electro Woman and Dyna Girl, starring Diedre Hall...

Sigmund the Sea Monster - who made an appearance during the musical homage...

And my FAVORITE show as a child, H.R. Pufnstuf...

And the lesser-known Lidsville...

... which stared the late Charles Nelson Reilly (as well as Butch Patrick and Billie Hayes). Mr. Reilly once had a few drinks at my old haunt, Stella's. Surprisingly, he kept quietly to himself.

I will definitely make it a point to watch next year's TV Land Awards.