
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Reality Show/Life Updates

The Fashion Show starts next week on Bravo - and The New York Post published an article this week about the new show. Unlike Project Runway, it seems that some of the runway judging will be done by semi-ordinary people (gasp!). Read the story HERE. And YES, I do plan on recapping The Fashion Show when I can ...

Next, as most of you have heard by now, Top Chef Season Six will be based in Las Vegas...

No, this gentleman will not be one of the Cheftestants. I wish! Speaking of Top Chef, judge Toby Young busted his face in a car accident. Go to Dust Bunny Kayce's blog - Chef The City - to see the gruesome picture. And NO, I was not happy that he got hurt - I am not that evil ... at least not today.

Finally, my busy schedule caught up with me last night - and I couldn't stay awake for Make Me A Supermodel.

So no MMASM recap this week. I feel bad because it was nice to actually write something last week, but right now I am just too busy. I have been concentrating other priorities - like trying to get laid healthy, and keeping my job.

On a positive note, since my weekend freakout I have been VIGILANT about my food intake, and I've exercised every day. And I never do this, but I guarantee to bring you good news on Monday for my "Weigh-In". I have not given up, and I'm feeling pretty damn good, actually.


  1. Great news about your healthy week!! I'm so proud of you! {{hugs}}

  2. Good news about the upcoming Monday Weigh-In. Setbacks are hard, but they're even harder if you give in to them.


  3. You must watch the rerun of MMASM just to hear Sandhurst's line about the calf.

  4. Glad you are feeling better and you tricked me into a hot man viewing! Snuck him in there in Top Chef Las Vegas you did.

  5. Awesome! So glad to hear you're feeling better. I fell asleep about 30 seconds into MMASM.

  6. I'm happy you're feeling better about everything. Just make eating healthy and exercising a part of your daily routine.

    GOOD LUCK :)

  7. Thatta way, you are my number 1 HO.


  8. Oh damn, I missed MMaS last night and was depending on your superb recap to fill me in. No worries though; I'm sure I'll be able to catch a rerun over the weekend.

    I'm psyched about your vigilance and just KNOW you'll have good news in Monday's weigh-in. You GO, Mamie!!!


  9. Big big hugs with gratuitous boobie. Way to go on a healthy week!

  10. I love that we all decided to get healthy BEFORE our NYC BunnyFest! I think we must declare "all bets are off" that weekend.
    I'm not sure how I feel about The Isaac Mizrahi Show- he is not one of my favorite fags. There is one ONE TRUE SEWRALITY SHOW and it comes on Lifetime now!

  11. I knew my faith in you was well placed. Good for you!

  12. Like the Phoenix you have risen from the ashes of your freak out! Yea!!

